

We can do it!

This week’s fighting fund received a boost just as I was preparing to write this column, when US comrade PM’s regular £50 PayPal donation landed in our account - good timing!

It was actually one of three £50 contributions that came our way via PayPal - thanks also to comrades SO and RL. Also helping us out by doing that were MH (£10) and KF (£5) - more modest, but still very welcome donations.

On top of that were the usual batch of standing orders/bank transfers. Thank you, comrades PB (£70), BO (£35), NH (£30), OG (£29), DV and GD (£25 each), and finally comrades IS, SM, PM and LG, who each gave us a tenner!

All that comes to £447 - and takes our running total up to £826 towards our £2,250 monthly target. Just a bit below the going rate for June, which only has 30 days, of which 12 have gone, as I write. But I’m confident that other readers and supporters will step on the gas - there are so many who understand the central role played by the Weekly Worker in arguing and campaigning for the one thing the working class urgently needs - a principled Communist Party.

But this role needs financial as well as political support. We’re faced with continuing cost increases, particular for printing and mailing, and we want that to be matched by a rise in financial support too!

Can you help us out? If you can, you can do so by sending us a cheque (the address is at the bottom of page 2), making a bank transfer or clicking on that PayPal button (details for both below).

With your help we can do it!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit