

Make up the deficit

Unfortunately, I have to start this week with some disappointing - but not entirely unexpected - news: we fell a bit short of our monthly fighting fund target for May.

As I reported last week, we needed £300 in just two days if we were going to hit that £2,250 - and, of course, most of our readers would only have had a couple of hours left by the time they read my appeal. But two comrades responded brilliantly: JC immediately transferred £100 to the Weekly Worker bank account, while JS made payments of £25 and £30 on consecutive days! In addition, comrades VP and MD both came up with their usual monthly donation of £10.

So the extra £175 that came our way meant we ended May with £2,121 - in other words, we fell short by £129. And that means we could now really do with smashing through that £2,250 barrier in June and, after five days, as I write, we have a healthy £397 in the kitty.

Mind you, most of that came in the shape of those start-of-the-month standing orders - our thanks go to AC for his £100 (fantastic!), EV (£55), MM (£31), CG (£30), RG (£25), BK and MS (£20 each), BG and MT (£15), TM (£13), MM (£11), AN, ST, CP, DI and YM (£10 each) and finally DC and JS (£6).

Not bad at all! But we really do need to see things continue at that rate. And that in turn means we need a lot more of our Weekly Worker supporters to boost the further standing orders we’ll be getting with one-off donations. Please make a bank transfer, use PayPal or even send us a cheque to help us out - go to the link below for more details.

As I keep saying, this paper relies absolutely on our readers and supporters to aid the fight for that principled, democratic, Marxist party that is our top priority. Please do your bit.

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit