

£300 needed!

With just two days of May left as I write, we are quite a bit short of that £2,250 monthly target for the Weekly Worker fighting fund.

Over the last seven days £306 came our way, taking the running total up to £1,946 - which means we still need £304 by Friday May 31. In other words, urgent action is required, so please help us out if you can, as soon as you read this! Can we raise in just two days what was donated over the last week?

We are, of course, more than grateful to all those readers and supporters who did contribute last week. Thanks in particular to comrade LM, who came up with her usual £80 standing order, and to comrades TB (£60) and DB (£50), who made their usual PayPal contributions.

Also helping us out via PayPal was EG (£5), while GT (£35), JT (£25), AB and DG (£20 each), TT (£6) and AR (£5) all chipped in by either bank transfer or standing order. But all that still leaves us quite a bit short - and I can’t stress enough how much we rely on our readers to come up with the necessary.

But there’s still time! You can help us out by the May 31 deadline either by bank transfer or PayPal - the details for both are below. But there’s no time to waste! Please play your part to help out the only paper that tirelessly campaigns for the single Marxist party the working class so desperately needs!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit