

Keep it coming!

As expected, the third week of May produced the usual boost for the Weekly Worker fighting fund in the shape of those three-figure donations that always come our way this time of the month. Thank you very much indeed, comrades KB, GB, PM and SK!

On top of that there was the excellent £75 from MM, plus £40 from TR, £35 from SO, £20 from DR, £15 from SS and £3 from DS. Those were all either standing orders or one-off bank transfers, but, unlike last week, we received no PayPal donations at all! But we did get the usual £5 note from comrade Hassan, plus another £5 from participants at last weekend’s Palestine demonstration.

So altogether we ended the week £784 better off than we were when it started! And that means our running total for the month stands at £1,640 towards our £2,250 target after (as I write) 22 days. In other words, we still need another £610 in nine days, and - if the last seven are anything to go by - we can definitely do it!

But I don’t take anything for granted. As well as those standing orders and monthly PayPal contributions, we need other readers to do their bit. So can you help us out? There’s still time to send us a cheque - or you can help us more speedily by making a bank transfer or using PayPal. For more details of how to donate, please go to the web address below.

With your help we can definitely reach that target - which means that the Weekly Worker can continue to play its vital role in fighting for the kind of party the working class needs so badly. You know what to do!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit