WW archive > Issue 1480 - 29 February 2024

The wealth of nature
Despite tailing the climate crisis movement, some on the left still think of labour as the source of all wealth. Jack Conrad spells out the ABCs for the SWP and the IST
Food for thought; Inaccurate; Vote Galloway; Unworthy victims
Threat to Sunak from right
If polls and by-elections are to be trusted, the Tories face a big challenge from the far right - and before that the possible loss of former vice-chair Lee Anderson, writes Eddie Ford
Screaming blue murder
Lee Anderson, Liz Truss and Suella Braverman are trying to further their despicable careers in the only way they know how, writes Paul Demarty: by hate-mongering against Muslims
Decay fast and furious
At great human cost NHS dentistry has been driven almost to the point of extinction. A similar outcome threatens health services in general, writes Ian Spencer
We need political action
What comes first? Politics or economics? Mike Macnair responds to the criticisms of Robert Schlosser and upholds the general approach of the Marx-Engels team and their strategy of revolutionary patience
Only solution: socialist democracy
Is the People’s Republic heading for a crack-up or uninterrupted progress, asks Daniel Lazare. Perhaps we should ask Frederick Engels - or maybe not
Consequences of deception
Oslo and the two-state ‘solution’ lay behind the events of October 7, argues Ghada Karmi. Suffice to say, we disagree with her well-meaning one-state ‘solution’
Short memory syndrome
SWP members are being told they cannot possibly ‘call for a vote’ for George Galloway, but, as Carla Roberts reminds us, it was a very different story when they operated together in Respect
Online Communist University Spring 2024: Their wars and ours
Friday March 1 to Sunday March 3