WW archive > Issue 1456 - 31 August 2023

The Soviet Union in history
Is there progress? There seems to be, in nature and likewise in society. But, argues Jack Conrad, there is retrogression, mutual exhaustion and extinction too
USSR positives; Party question; Oil, coal and gas; State interests; Free speech; George Shaw
Past, present and future
Scott Evans reports on a week of debate, engagement and thinking through the crucial questions of our time
From chef to payback
Eddie Ford gives his thoughts on the predictable death of Wagner’s public face and the likely culprit
Anti-Semitism of useful idiots
We need a principled defence of free speech and a firm grasp of geo-strategic realities. Mike Macnair discusses the case of David Miller
This is no time for degrowth, green reductionism or confining our ambitions to mere custodianship of nature, argues Daniel Lazare
New faces on the final frontier
India has joined the club of states to have landed spacecraft on the moon - a matter of geopolitics rather than scientific endeavour, suggests Paul Demarty
Online Communist Forum, Sunday September 3 5pm
A week in politics - political report from CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee and discussion