Summer Offensive: £7,000 still needed
This is the last Weekly Worker report before our Summer Offensive concludes at the end of August, which still gives us some three weeks to reach our target of £20,000 - and three weeks for comrades to step up their efforts for the final push.
As well as raising the essential funds and supporting the political work of the CPGB, this year’s Summer Offensive has the important aim of raising the cash for our new Communist TV initiative, which we plan to launch this autumn. So, if you support our ideas and want to help us to take them out to an even wider audience, why not make a donation to the SO now?
Last week our total stood at £9,858, leaving us with just over £10,000 still to raise before August 31. As is usual with the Summer Offensive, that sum was made up of big and small donations and this week is no exception. But whether it be a large or small donation, every pound counts. This week I’d like to thank TD, JC, ML and SM each for their £10, CR who chipped in £90, Ben L, GR and YL who each gave £150 to the SO. Special thanks also go to MM for a £300 donation, along with FK, who raised a nice, round £1,000, and SK, who topped that with £1,356, bringing this week’s total to £3,626 and an overall total so far of £13,484.
That means that we have three weeks to raise just under £7,000 to reach our target. Given the amount that has come in on average each week so far during the Summer Offensive, this should be more than possible. In fact at this rate we can even exceed our target.
So get fundraising, comrades, and see if we can get over the line - and beyond it before the 31st!