
WW archive > Issue 1434 - 16 March 2023

Let’s be beastly to foreigners

The Illegal Migration Bill is the opening shot of the Tory general election campaign, writes Eddie Ford


Rude words; Zionism; Attacks on me; Sources of info; Wounded too; Our day is coming

Victory for pundits’ union

The BBC’s brief ‘free speech’ war with Gary Lineker shows up its own institutional weakness - and the strange moral situation of football itself - argues Paul Demarty

Silent and supine

Kevin Bean looks at the shameful official left and the split between Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell over the Ukraine war

American death trip

The war on drugs has been a horrendous failure. So, asks Daniel Lazare, why do governments remain hooked on repression?

Dictating to power

Marc Mulholland discusses the importance of the vote, the inadequacies of taxing the rich and why the path to working class power lies through extreme democracy

Shifting interests and alignments

The Saudi-Iran deal brokered by China is bad news for the US, but especially Israel, says Yassamine Mather

Voice of the revolution

This appeal drawn up by comrades in Iran, calling for clear politics, organisation and solidarity, has attracted widespread support

Striking for pay restoration

Richard Galen welcomes the growing influence of the left amongst junior doctors and how this had led to a surge in BMA membership

Right back up!

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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