
WW archive > Issue 143 - 16 May 1996

Homeless scandal runs deep

Dame Shirley may have been found out, but what of the crime of homelessness itself?


Scargill and factions; Fixed agenda?; Pooling resources; Bad English?; Dangerous man

The main danger

Party notes

Towards rapprochement

Some points of agreement between the Provisional Central Committee and the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the Socialist Workers Party)

Why work did not begin

From the British Worker, official strike bulletin of the TUC, May 13 1926

Stand by the miners!

From Workers Bulletin, illegally issued by the Communist Party of Great Britain, May 13 1926

Balloting for action

Socialist Labour’s founding conference: A republican party is born

Dave Craig of the RDG reports on the struggle between the republicans and the Fourth Internationalists

Art attack

Kevin Newton reviews 'Revolting Britain' (Viewpoint Galleries, Charlotte Street, Manchester)

Communalism versus communism

Elections in India

ANC runs capitalism alone

Live through it

Around the left

The Party question: Fighting for human freedom

Single issue campaigns, especially those based around environmental questions, have dominated the political agenda. Eddie Ford argues that communists need to reassess their attitudes to these movements

On electoral tactics: Another Leninist liquidator

Richard Brenner, a member of the central committee of Workers Power (Britain), responds to Jack Conrad’s criticisms

Alliance on the attack

Our jobs, welfare and education are under threat from both Tories and Labour. We need to get organised

Brown rides over doubts

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