

Stand by the miners!

From the Workers’ Bulletin, illegally issued by the Communist Party of Great Britain, May 12 1926

AJ Cook’s announcement yesterday that the miners’ executive stands by its resolve to fight any reduction in wages or any longer hours, and that if “bridges are being built” they must lead to better conditions for the miners, comes as a timely reminder. For a most terrible peril has arisen overnight, involving the gravest consequences for the whole movement.

Time and time again the General Council has pledged its full support to the miners in their fight against lower wages, longer hours or district settlements ...

Yet today we learn from the whole capitalist press that “men of good will” were making “unofficial peace moves” all day yesterday ... Stories are freely circulating of the General Council insisting on the miners accepting a reduction, failing which they will be left to fight alone.

Today is the time for action - swift and determined. If the miners are let down, the whole movement is let down - not only as regards wages, but trade union rights as well, as the latest government threats show clearly. Since those who call themselves leftwingers in the General Council are shamefully silent, the workers must take matters into their own hands.