

Do your bit

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

The good news this week is that we’re now more than halfway towards our monthly target of £2,250 for the Weekly Worker fighting fund. However, the bad news is that the first 19 days of October are already behind us, which means that we have just 12 days left to make up the other half!

Topping all the donations this week was the magnificent £170 received from comrade KB, while comrade GB contributed exactly half of that with his excellent monthly standing order of £85. Just behind him was comrade MM (£75), while there were also donations from comrades TR (£40), OG (£27), GS (£20), SS (£15) and JL (£7).

All that comes to a pretty useful £439, taking our running total for October up to £1,151. But now, as I said last week, we really do need to press a bit harder on that accelerator. After all, there are less than two weeks left to raise the remaining £1,099.

Noticeable this week was the absence of any PayPal donations - all those listed above came via bank transfer or standing order. Not that I’m complaining about that, of course, since those two methods are very good ways of getting money to us. If you want to follow suit, please pay ‘Weekly Worker’ (account number 00744310; sort code 30-99-64).

But if you’d rather make your donation via PayPal or credit card, please go to weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/donate to do that.

Whichever method you choose, we really need that £2,250 each and every month, so please do your bit!

Robbie Rix