

Help us out

I’m afraid it’s that time of the month again - the time when we receive very little in the way of standing orders, that is. And, as regular readers will have noticed, by far the largest part of our fighting fund comes precisely from those SOs.

But I suspect that the last seven days have coincided with the very worst part of the month from that point of view - we received just four SOs, totalling a mere £25! (Our thanks to RP, MF, SN and SP.) However, as if to make up for that, the last week has been the most productive I can remember when it comes to PayPal donations - thank you, RL (£50), TB (£30), PM (£25) and DB (£7).

Even more fortunately, the Weekly Worker also received two handy cheques - from GC (£50) and a tremendous £100 from KJ, who writes: “I thought it was about time I chipped in.” You can say that again, comrade - the timing was perfect!

Anyway, the £287 we received this week takes our running total for the first fighting fund of the decade up to £884. That’s a little behind the going rate, as we need £2,000 each and every month and we’re now exactly halfway through January.

As comrade KJ added, “After Labour’s defeat and Corbyn’s demise, I knew I could rely on the Weekly Worker for a sense of perspective! Keep up the good work.” Well, with staunch supporters like you, comrade, we’ll be able to - but we could do with a few more of our regular readers to follow your example and help us out too!

Robbie Rix