
WW archive > Issue 1189 - 08 February 2018

Just and progressive struggle

No to neoliberal feminism, yes to women’s rights. Yassamine Mather calls for the left to support the anti-hijab protests


Flimsy; Sparkling; Old chestnut; Good laugh; Hands off Sadie; Momentum; End austerity

Earthquakes and H-bombs

Paul Demarty reports on the heightening drama of US politics

NEC readmits leftwingers

But hopes that this might mark the beginning of the end of the witch-hunt could be premature, warns Carla Roberts

Criticism is not abuse

Carla Roberts takes issue with proposals to outlaw 'abuse' of MPs

21st century global reality

Eddie Ford looks at the growing Tory infighting over Brexit

Zuma on the brink

Cyril Ramaphosa now looks set to become president a year earlier than scheduled, writes Peter Manson

Two-faced hypocrisy

The Ahed Tamimi affair exposes the failure of western feminism to oppose Zionism and imperialism, writes Tony Greenstein

Italy: Democratic Party left up in arms

Matteo Renzi’s purge is unlikely to halt his party’s decline, argues Toby Abse

Chinese bank's alternative to Marxism

Is ‘trading economics’ China’s new ‘ideologically acceptable’ theory of capitalism? Michael Roberts looks at the thoughts of a major figure in the People’s Bank of China

Much appreciated

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