

At the races

Robbie Rix welcomes a bumper week

Probably the highlight of this week’s fighting fund donations is the decision of comrade JM to contribute £60 of his “Cheltenham winnings”! He didn’t say how much he won (or on what horse!), but it was enough for him to double his annual subscription payment. Mind you, JM has a history of generosity every time he renews his sub, so I suspect he might have contributed a little extra even if he hadn’t been lucky at the races.

Apart from that, it was an excellent week when it came to standing orders - a total of £515 came in - thank you, TR, KB, MM, TB, SK and PM. The good thing about those monthly SOs is that if one particular week happens to fall at the wrong time of the month for regular donations, then at least that’ll be compensated for in another week. That’s what happened this week.

In addition to that there were two PayPal gifts - £20 from DN and £10 from LR: two who were among the 3,153 online readers of the Weekly Worker last week. So, all in all, our March running total increased by a more than useful £605 - which not only sees us shooting past our £1,750 target, but actually breaking through the £2,000 barrier as well! From memory, I think that’s only the second time we’ve done that - and we still have over a week to go!

The £2,022 we’ve raised so far more than makes up for the two earlier shortfalls this year. Now let’s see if we can’t build up a nice surplus to make up for the odd bad month later in the year.