

Good news

Robbie Rix likes good news

With one day, as I write, still to go for our March fighting fund, the news is good. We have already smashed through our £1,750 target! More precisely the total stands at £1,795 - and I’m sure one or two comrades will still surprise us over the next 24 hours.

Talking about surprises, this morning’s post contained resubscription cheques from five readers - and four of them included a sizable donation! The four were comrade AP, a Usbased subscriber, who added a cool £100 to his cheque. Then there was comrade AG, from Italy, who sent us an extra €50 (I’m counting that as £39). Nearer to home were comrades RG (£50 extra) and JM (£40). Amongst this week’s standing orders, PM’s £100 stands out - not least because he decided to double that by paying the same amount again by bank transfer! JT came up with his usual £30, while the SOs from another six comrades added up to £67. Finally RK was another one who made a transfer (for £25), while PM and TT both paid a fiver via PayPal (they were among 3,216 online readers last week). All that came to £561 for the week and - don’t forget – there’s still another day to go.

A few more donations like the above could take us nearer two grand and help make up for a couple of recent shortfalls. Can you help?