

Latest articles by Various

Call for NC members to meet

Letter signed by concerned Momentum delegates

For a socialist Europe

The Socialist Alliance will decide its attitude to the euro at its conference in October. The following motion is backed by a number of individuals and organisations, including the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, Communist Party of Great Britain and Workers Power

Resignation pre-empted

Following the entry into the SLP of several members of the Indian Workers Association, led by the ultra-Stalinite Harpal Brar, the leadership in Southall found itself in a minority, outvoted by new members who seem to see their role as being unquestioning foot soldiers of the NEC. Unfortunately, instead of remaining in position to fight for their beliefs, the branch officers announced their intention to resign. Here we reproduce their rather pathetic letter

Openness against the witch hunt

Simon Harvey looks forward to the Campaign for a Democratic SLP’s conference and calls for unity

Democrat deserts the field

Recipe for disorganisation

SLP branch reports

‘Nothing to fear from debate’

SLP Branch reports

Good start made

SLP branch reports

On a road to slavery

Brent SLP members stand by their manifesto in defence of revolutionary politics

Liverpool dockers set Morris straight

The Liverpool dockers respond to Bill Morris’s article, ‘Setting the record straight’, published in the TGWU Record (February/March 1997)


Following the voiding of respected Manchester SLP member John Pearson, Scargill is now turning on his defenders

SLP branch reports

SLP branch reports

SLP branch reports

SLP branch reports

SLP branch reports

Potential mass party

SLP branch reports

SLP Branch reports

Rebuilding in Manchester

SLP branch reports

Principles of our work in the SMTUC

The Fourth International Supporters Caucus is a sympathising section of the international Trotskyist movement, Usec. It includes Pat and Caroline Sikorski, Brian Heron and Roland Wood, who have made their name as the ‘doorkeepers’ of the Socialist Labour Party. Fisc originated in the tendency dubbed the ‘Fix its’ in Socialist Outlook (International Socialist Group), excerpts from whose document we reproduce below

Hemsworth - talking to the activists

SLP campaigners spoke to Lee-Anne Bates