Tina Becker
Latest articles by Tina Becker
Bigger and better
Tina Becker looks forward to comradely debate and discussion, not least around the communist fusion process. Book now
Online Communist Forum, Sunday February 23 5pm
AMMs or GCs?
Labour First, the LRC and the CLPD all vigorously oppose all-members meetings, while Momentum is in favour. But it really is a question of tactics, argues Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Migrant sex mob hysteria
Instead of fighting for open borders and internationalism, the left in Germany has joined the ruling class in its collective embarrassment, says Tina Becker
Policies of other organisations
Within the limits of principle everyone in Left Unity must have the right to put forward their own politics, writes Tina Becker
Sectarian anti-sectarianism
The fallout from Greece and an attempt to boot out Workers Power have aroused passions in Yorkshire Left Unity. Mickey Coulter and Tina Becker report
Dangerous delusions
Ukip is far from ‘defeated’, says Tina Becker - but that does not stop sections of the left talking nonsense
Just a waste of money?
The hype surrounding the birth of Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Windsor once again shows that we need to fight for a different world, says Tina Becker
Victims of capitalism
The needless death of hundreds of refugees puts the left to the test, says Tina Becker
At the hustings
Left Unity candidates give more responses to the Communist Platform's questions
Candidates give their answers
These are the questions posed by the Communist Platform to those standing for the leadership
Nationalism and role of Pegida
Tina Becker examines the impact of Germany’s new rightwing force
Trampling over red lines
The appointment of Die Linke’s first regional prime minister will mark a ‘historic’ day for the establishment, says Tina Becker. Left Unity should urgently learn the lessons
Interview: Don't march with nationalists
Tina Becker spoke to Sandy McBurney of Glasgow Left Unity about the September 18 referendum
Safe spaces cotton wool
Tina Becker reports on the development of the Sheffield branch of Left Unity
Bureaucratic fist tightens
Tina Becker reports that the ESF is in great danger of being totally taken over by Ken Livingstone - with the full support of his little helpers in the Socialist Workers Party
Setting another agenda
Tina Becker on another stitch up in the European Social Forums
Bureaucratic grip tightens
The London Mayor is in control of preparations for the European Social Forum. Tina Becker reports