
Chris Jones

Latest articles by Chris Jones

Establishing the socialist alternative on Merseyside

Helen Ellis spoke to Chris Jones, Socialist Labour candidate for Knowsley on Merseyside. He was the local brigade chair of the Fire Brigades Union until he left the service four years ago

Merseyside firefighters ballot on Acas deal

Merseyside: all out on May Day

Relearn solidarity

Council cuts demand national action

Workers have taken to the streets in Scotland, London and around the country against Tory government cuts, ably assisted by Labour councils


In brief

Workers and the state of the nation

Fire fighters ballot for more strikes

In brief

Reasons to be cheerful

SWP, trade unions and strikes

Fire talks

Fire service crisis spreads

Merseyside fights back

Inventing a tradition

Merseyside strikes set to continue

The strikes of Merseyside dockers and firefighters look set to continue into the new year. Financial and moral support is increasingly important over the holiday period.

Merseyside strike begins to bite

Merseyside fights backs

Liverpool aflame

Firefighters vote to escalate action

Merseyside fire dispute on hold

Unity and democracy

Chris Jones from the RDG

Firefighters vote to escalate strike

Determined to win

Labour brings in the troops

Soldiers called in to break the Liverpool firefighters’ strike