
WW archive > Issue 921 - 05 July 2012

Accepting funds from the CIA

Supporters of the Iran Tribunal have desperately been trying to defend their abandonment of working class principle. Yassamine Mather reports on the contortions


Rising passion; Fungibility; Sectarianism; What crisis?; Glued up

Conspiracy, betrayal and flying pickets

On the 40th anniversary of the 1972 building workers’ strike, Laurence Humphries, a supporter of the National Shop Stewards Network, gives his version of events

Berlin delivers reluctant ‘solidarity’

Angela Merkel’s last-minute climbdown comes with strings attached, writes Eddie Ford. After the EU summit, the crisis rumbles on

Value, profit and crisis

Nick Rogers reviews Andrew Kliman The failure of capitalist production Pluto Press, London, 2012, pp256, £17.99

Common sense and left divisions

The proposed merger of Labour Representation Committee and Labour Briefing will be decided at Briefing’s AGM this Saturday. Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reviews the discussion so far, and backs the merger

Taking membership seriously

Michael Copestake reports on the debates at the CPGB weekend aggregate

Help us take further steps forward - donate

Mark Fischer reports on a solid first week for our annual fundraising drive and on an important political advance for our organisation

Diamond in the rough

The latest scandal to hit the banking sector could become truly explosive, writes Paul Demarty

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