
WW archive > Issue 920 - 28 June 2012

Haunted by danger of collapse

Another week, another summit. Yet, writes Eddie Ford, with five euro countries now members of the bailout club and Germany declining to foot the bill, there is a distinct danger that the euro will collapse


Got wood; Penetrating; Detached; Housing poverty

A site to be proud of

June 30 sees the launch of both the CPGB's Summer Offensive fundraising drive and our new website - Mark Fischer discusses the broader challenges of the next two months

One step from a shooting war

The downing of a Turkish plane by Syria has brought the contradictions of Istanbul's soft-Islamist government to the fore. Esen Uslu explains

Liquidationism and 'broad front' masks

Mike Macnair recently addressed a CPGB aggregate on liquidationism and 'broad frontism'. Below is an edited version of his talk

The school as straitjacket

Michael Gove's plans to ditch GCSE exams are socially regressive - but, writes Paul Demarty, so is the obsession with examinations itself

Economic woes and new scandals

The labour 'reforms' have finally been pushed through parliament, but president Napolitano could be brought down over alleged Mafia contacts. Toby Abse reports

Sinn Féin and the handshake

Anne McShane reports on the latest step in the 'peace process'

Miliband turns a deeper shade of blue

Is the Labour leader 'pandering to racism' Peter Manson looks at Ed Miliband's June 22 speech

Democratic centralism and idiocy of the sects

Comrades need the space to develop and express their ideas, argues Jim Creegan. The wider the distance between a given question and the party's immediate objectives and tasks, the more latitude they should have to do so in public

Two days to raise £182

Why not send Robbie Rix a pound or two before he leaves us during the Summer Offensive?

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