

Defence Fund

Robbie Rix is pleased to introduce another supplement - but more cash is needed if supplements are to feature regularly

I promised a couple of issues back that the Weekly Worker will be bigger and better in 2012. So, having said goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012 with a 16-pager (with a marvellous full-colour front cover), in this, only the second issue of the new year, I am delighted that we are carrying a four-page supplement, a work of groundbreaking scholarship that doubtless will be of the greatest interest to every fighter for communism.

It would appear that our neanderthal cousins managed to make a revolution. But it was a partial, incomplete and reversible revolution. There was, as a result, no cultural take-off. Explaining why the neanderthals did not succeed in making their revolution permanent raises interesting questions. Questions that surely necessitate cutting-edge answers.

Anyway, having supplied a bigger (and hopefully ever better) paper, it is up to our readers to carry out their side of the bargain - making sure we reach our new monthly fighting fund target of £1,500. I’m glad to report that our internet readership now seems to be consistently hovering just above 20,000 (we had 20,892 online readers last week). That is, roughly speaking, a 100% increase over the last 12 months. But, once again, too few of our e-readers are putting their hands in their pocket to ensure we meet our financial target.

An exception this week is MM, who donated £50 using our PayPal facility. Thanks, comrade! By the way, responding to a critical one-liner in last week’s letters pages, MM added an explanation for his generosity: “Consider it part of the Jim Creegan defence fund!” I’m sure our excellent correspondent in the United States will be suitably pleased.

There was another £10 donation made via the website from comrade CS and the receipts from our standing orders came to £195 over the last week. Our total for January’s fighting fund now stands at £665 - but that is quite a bit down on where we ought to be at this stage. We need £835 in 12 days. I know that cheques are a bit old hat nowadays, but I can tell you that I could really do with receiving a few - none at all in the post over the last seven days.

Don’t forget, if you want more supplements, and more colour pages, then you know what to do: help us reach that target every month.