


Robbie Rix gives thanks for increased standing orders

The entire capitalist world may still be embroiled in ever more entrenched economic problems, but the Weekly Worker’s finances are now healthier than they have been for some time.

The reason for that is down entirely to the astounding success of our Summer Offensive campaign to increase the paper’s regular income in the shape of standing orders. We set ourselves the target of winning an extra £300 and we achieved that with a little bit to spare - and what a difference that has made to our fighting fund. No longer does our £1,250 monthly target seem all but out of reach. On the contrary, now I am entirely confident of making it.

Take September. Thanks mainly to those standing orders, we already have £1,143 in the kitty, with just over a week still to go to raise the remaining £107. Of course, we should not content ourselves with merely reaching our goal - we should aim to smash right through it!

Over the last seven days those SOs brought in a small matter of £368 - thank you, SP, MKS, JD, MM, SK, RP and SP. And thanks especially to those among you who answered our appeal by increasing your standing orders. Another ‘thank you’ goes to comrade AC, for his £15. Like 13,000 others, AC reads us every week online (in fact there were 13,005 visitors last week), but he was the only one of them to show his appreciation.

Regular readers of this column will know that I am always complaining about the paucity of gifts via our website. Maybe next year our Summer Offensive should target our internet readers. Or maybe not. Anybody got any better idea to draw in more donations from that source?