


Robbie Rix highlights the key role of our paper

I couldn't help but notice Peter Manson's article on the latest SWP splinter - and in particular the advice of the organisation's founder, Tony Cliff, when it comes to open discussion:

"… all the party's issues of policy are those of the class, and they should therefore be thrashed out in the open, in its presence … This means that all discussions on basic issues of policy should be discussed in the light of day: in the open press. Let the mass of the workers take part in the discussion …"

Well, neither the SWP nor Socialist Worker practises anything like that, but the Weekly Worker certainly does. Our paper is renowned for its to and fro of open polemic - both on the letters pages and in feature articles; both between CPGB comrades and with supporters of other tendencies. We always report on the debates that take place at our internal aggregates and also try to inform readers of the differences within the leadership of other groups.

None of this has anything to do with 'gossip', as some inanely claim. Our aim is to inform the advanced section of the working class about the competing ideas dividing our movement, so it can judge for itself who is right and equip itself with the necessary answers. In this the Weekly Worker is still unique.

And our readers know it. That is why so many are prepared to support our fighting fund so we can, as many urge, "keep up the good work". Last week our donors included SM, GD and DY, whose monthly standing orders arrived in our account. Then there was comrade CS, who handed over £30 in cash and, finally, GH and SK, who both sent in a £20 cheque.

A bit of a thin week, to be honest - all that only comes to £110, taking our running total for April to £410. But we need to raise £1,250, with almost half the month gone.

Our big weakness remains the small number of donations received from all those internet readers - there were 12,522 of them last week, but not one contributed to the fighting fund. Yet so many of those thousands have come to accept the message we continue to plug: the need for openness in the struggle for a single, united Communist Party. If you are one of them, please help ensure that message is still heard. Open your wallets to support open debate.