

We will be back

Robbie Rix says that the left needs to begin to take its responsibilities seriously

This is the last paper of the year ... and what a year 2010 was. Student militancy has been inspirational and shows what is in store. The Con-Dem spending cuts, mass sackings and increased taxes will inevitably produce a fightback. Sooner or later the working class will move into action. Already senior members of the government darkly talk of banning demonstrations, using water cannon and excuse outrageous police brutality. Capitalism in crisis is becoming more and more irrational and more and more authoritarian.

But if our side is to beat the cuts and move forward the left needs to begin to take its responsibilities seriously. The existence of countless confessional sects has become objectively reactionary. Principled unity is a matter of urgency,  not just a nice idea. And, of course, that is where the Weekly Worker comes in. Everything we say, do and print is designed to get comrades thinking critically and moving in the direction of unity.

Next year we have big plans. A pamphlet on the crisis is being worked on, and, of course, we will be publishing a new version of the CPGB’s third programme. This is an important event for us because we envisage the Draft programme as providing the basis to unite not only the existing left but the working class itself in a single Marxist party.

Then there is our new website. Apart from a few technical glitches it is almost ready for launch. It will, I promise, be a great improvement on what we have had up to now. Better presentation, more interaction, etc. So we expect an increased web readership - which last week was counted at 12,385.

Of course, our expenses have risen substantially over 2010 while our income has nudged down. Something that must be rectified in 2011. So we need comrades to donate more, and more comrades making donations and taking out standing orders. I am delighted to mention the following comrades: TD (£100), CM (£20). JR (£120), BH (£5), MH (£15) and RI (£50). Your donations took our total to £461. Short of our £1,250 monthly target, but I always live in hope.

Finally, can I convey seasonal greetings to all our readers, contributors and supporters. We will be back after a two week break in the first week of 2011.