

£183 in three days

Robbie Rix calls on internet readers to get out that little piece of plastic

With only three days to go before the end of our first fighting fund of 2010, we need one last effort if we are to achieve the new target of £1,250.

Last week a couple of handy cheques landed in my in-tray - from JH (£40) and RW (£25). According to RW, the Weekly Worker’s consistency in constantly striving for communist unity is “an example to the whole movement” and he, for one, is determined to do his bit to ensure we raise the new, higher sum every month.

We also received a very nice £20 from TF, who made his donation via PayPal - but unfortunately none of our other 15,796 online readers contributed to our fund. However, another £75 did arrive in the form of standing orders, which means that, all in all, we are better off to the tune of £160 compared to this time last week.

But this is quite a bit below the going rate, comrades - we need to average just about twice that amount each week to be sure of hitting our target and our total is tantalisingly short of where we need to be, at £1,067. But I am certain we can hit that £1,250 figure by 12 noon on Monday February 1 - especially if a few more of those internet readers get out that little piece of plastic! We need another £183 in three days.