

Fighting Fund

Never soon enough, Robbie Rix reports

Money makes the world go round and it also ensures the Weekly Worker  is written, produced and distributed. Every month we need to raise a minimum of £1,000 just to meet our running costs.
   But this week’s fighting fund has, I think, been adversely affected by the Easter bank holidays, as we have received much less post containing all those cheques and postal orders than usual. There was just one contribution - a tenner from LT.
   For all that, we have received almost as much money this week as last. Mainly this is down to London comrades who have coughed up money to help with the move to our new office, which, as always with such events, resulted in the need for new equipment. Comrade PK somehow found £195 out of his old age pension and insisted he didn’t want paying back (I suspect out of guilt for not having helped with the move). And the conscientious TB gave another £40 to get the office working smoothly.
   Extra standing order gifts this week came in the shape of £10 from RK, £9 from GD and £5 from JS, not to mention a new pledge for £10 a month from comrade AG . Unfortunately, though, there were no online donations (perhaps the Easter break affected our 13,725 internet readers too), but we still recorded a total of £269 to add to last week’s £278. So on paper we are ahead of target with £547 and half the month gone.
   However, don’t forget all the extra costs we have incurred. We seem to be living on the promise of money soon, but soon can never be soon enough.