

Fighting Fund

Guilty as charged

“I’ve been meaning to do this for months,” writes PL, “and at last I’ve done it!” I hope you feel a lot better for it, comrade!

He was, as you might have guessed, talking about his donation to the Weekly Worker - a tremendous £250 via PayPal, which is certain to see us break through our £1,000 target for March. PL confesses he had been feeling guilty about reading us on the web every week without being charged. He felt he just had to “contribute something”. Comrade, we are delighted you did - what a pity none of our other 12,216 internet readers was able to do the same last week.

Through the post, however, we received a handy £30 cheque from comrade TG and two £20 gifts from KH and FC. Added to which, JP topped up his subscription with an extra tenner. Thanks to all of you.

Thanks also to this week’s standing order donors, who provided us with an extra £119 (no less than £100 of which was from comrade AM). £449 in a week is good going and that takes our total is £690.

I must say that before this week the jury had been out on whether we would raise what we need this month. Or would we court disaster? But, as usual, our readers judge we are worthy of support.