

Fighting Fund

Growing pool

A total of £85 was donated to the Weekly Worker at the various pro-Gaza demonstrations up and down the country last weekend - not a huge amount and no big individual gifts; just lots of extra pound coins, plus a few fivers.

Mostly these were coming from comrades unknown to the Weekly Worker seller concerned, but in every case they were (sometimes occasional and often regular) readers of ours. And, of course, there are thousands of them - 24,974 looked at our paper via our website last week - so it is no surprise that we bump into a small proportion of them when the most militant sections of our class are mobilised.

In other words, while the number of firm supporters of the Weekly Worker are still relatively few, there is a large and growing pool of sympathy for what we say. What we now need is for more of them to commit themselves to contributing regularly to our fighting fund - and the best way to do that is by taking out a standing order.

Last year we managed to increase the total we receive each month by over £500 - the target we had set - thanks to new or additional SOs (over the last week an extra £9 came in that way), and in 2009 we need to do the same again. So I would appeal to our internet readers who mostly never buy a copy of the print version: don’t take the Weekly Worker for granted. We need to increase our regular income - not just to keep going, but to produce a better, more rounded paper.

In addition to cash received on the demos and standing orders, we also received a nice £50 cheque (thank you, comrade TJ) and two £20 contributions (from KF and SP). Then there was the £15 that CPGB supporter FJ added to his resubscription and the extra tenner that HP sent in for his (after a gap of six years!).

All in all, our January fighting fund total increased by £209 and now stands at £817. We have over a week to reach - and hopefully easily exceed - our £1,000 target.

Robbie Rix

Click here to download a standing order form - regular income is particular important in order to plan ahead. Even £5/month can help!
Send cheques, payable to Weekly Worker, BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX
Donate online: