

Fighting fund


This weekend CPGB comrades will be in Paris for the Lutte Ouvrière fête. And we have produced a special Weekly Worker supplement in French for the occasion (which can be downloaded from our website). We would like to thank comrades in France - in particular JME and FO - for all their encouragement and help, not least the translation and proofing work.

Our French supplement is a good example of the kind of possibilities that are open to us at last, thanks to the extra financial support we are now getting from our readers. To a large extent this has taken the form of standing order payments, which so far have amounted to an additional £521 a month.

It is this guarantee of regular income which enables us to plan ahead, including for special events like the LO fête. But, although the new income now matches the extra expenditure we have incurred for printing the paper commercially each week, we have very little leeway for such undertakings as this week’s special supplement. That is why we are continuing our appeal, even though we have already reached our original £500 target.

So please, comrades, if you haven’t yet contributed, consider doing so straightaway. And, of course, one-off contributions are also welcome - like the fiver from comrade NB this week. He was one of 33,925 online readers over the last seven days, of whom 1,682 downloaded last week’s paper.

We start May’s fund with £526 (a figure that includes those guaranteed SOs) towards our £1,000 monthly fighting fund target.