
WW archive > Issue 680 - 05 July 2007

More questions than answers

The Alliance for Workers' Liberty minority must recognise the pro-imperialist logic of the majority's silence on the occupation of Iraq, argues Mark Fischer


Unfreedom; Insane; Theory first; Pause; Dishonest; Rethink; Laugh or cry?; Disgusted; Defeat theocracy; Religious; On the bloc; Unparalleled

More pro-capitalist than ever

Jim Moody comments on Gordon Brown's 'ministry of all the talents'

Will Alex show?

Steve Cooke reports on the latest news from the Hands Off the People of Iran campaign

Petrol rationing sparks protests

After months of hesitation and delay, Iran's islamic rulers this week gave a two-hour warning before imposing fuel rationing for private vehicles. Yassamine Mather comments

Plaid Cymru's left collapses

Last week Plaid Cymru's left AMs voted to support the 'One Wales' document that now seems likely to form the basis of a Labour-Plaid coalition government in the Welsh assembly over the next four years. Bob Davies reports

Proposition number one and one-dimensional Marxism

The SWP leadership has jumped on the 'stop climate change' bandwagon. But, argues Jack Conrad, if they want to be taken seriously the first thing for them to do is to reformulate their proposition one

Dublin 1916 and the 'blood sacrifice'

Philip Ferguson gives his view on some common criticisms of James Connolly

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