
WW archive > Issue 583 - 30 June 2005

Going 'left', going 'broad'

Liam O Ruairc examines Sinn Féin's turn to the left in the late 1970s from the point of view of republican socialism

Gorgeous gigging

An audience with George Galloway South Shields, Thursday June 23

Well, yes, but "¦

BBC2 If "¦ we stop giving aid to Africa, Sunday June 27, 7pm

Keep the working class out of it

At a conference on June 24-25 in Paris, over 250 representatives of the European left discussed how we should move forward after the French 'non' vote to the European constitution. Anne Mc Shane reports

Solidarity, not charity

In order to make poverty history, we need to make capitalism history, says Tina Becker

Political economy of aid

What lies behind the establishment's 'campaign for Africa'? Hillel Ticktin, editor of Critique, looks beneath the hype

Fearing for the worst

Yassemine Mather takes a look at Iran after the elections

Breaking out of the ghetto

Ben Lewis reports from an impressive Respect rally in Sheffield University

Behind the smokescreen

Does the World Bank aid the development of poor countries? José Là³pez examines its workings

The poverty of fair trade

Mark Fischer argues that Proudhon is the unacknowledged theoretical daddy of many of today's campaigners who want to see the end of poverty and international justice through 'fair trade'

Not good, not bad

Democracy, not charity-mongering

BBC1 The girl in the café Saturday June 25

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