
WW archive > Issue 459 - 05 December 2002

Geordies march

Afghanistan and Owen MacThomas - part 2

Defend the firefighters

Understanding US hypocrisy

Ziauddin Sardar, Merryl Wyn Davies, 'Why do people hate America?', Icon Books, 2002, pp238, £7.99

Cover-up allegation denied

Tribune, the left Labour weekly, has lept on the unprincipled resignation of Liz Davis as chair of the Socialist Alliance. In preparation for what is expected to be a hatchet job, a series of written question were submitted to the Socialist Alliance national executive. We reproduce Tribune's questions and the answers provided by a "spokesperson" of the Socialist Alliance

Starting to get political

Brown's pre-budget and the firefighters

The fire last time

Chris Jones, former chair of Merseyside Fire Brigades Union and a leading figure in Merseyside Socialist Alliance, looks back 25 years to the last national firefighters' strike

Wider malaise

SA party campaign

United with muslims

Politicising FBU dispute

Firefighters need a republican answer, argues Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

Put lefts to test

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