

Creeping up

We have had another slow week in the Summer Offensive, the annual fundraising campaign of the Communist Party. We have in just over £10,500 - just £500 or so up over the last week. I am confident that Party centre will be enveloped in the usual small blizzard of cheques and postal orders in the final weeks of the campaign, but we are getting uncomfortably close to our July 11 deadline, comrades. We know that many comrades out there are accumulating their individual targets with the idea of sending it in as one big lump. More useful for us is if comrades regularly supply us with finance as they raise it - then we at least know whether to panic or not in the final stages. This year's Summer Offensive celebration meal will be on Saturday August 10, after the first full day of our annual school, Communist University 2002. Here, the final total for the campaign will be announced and prizes presented for outstanding individual achievements. Tickets for the meal are £25 (solidarity price - £50). Places will be limited, so comrades must let us know as soon possible. John Galt