
WW archive > Issue 395 - 02 August 2001


Cowardly; Disband police; Not available; Scab Scargill; Take your pick; Joined up; SA reformists; Tommy rot

Solidarity with Turkish prisoners

Prisoner-activists Mark Barnsley (HMP Wakefield) and John Bowden (HMP Bristol) have issued the following statement

East London

AGM agrees to disband Elsa

Foot and mouth

Blair scapegoats farmers


Action and debate

Our history Inkpin speaks

The first Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain - over the weekend of July 31 and August 1 1920 - represented the fusion of Britain?s main revolutionary forces, although even at this stage a number of important groups and currents still stood aside and refused to attend the unity convention. The report on the unity negotiations was given by comrade Albert Inkpin - previously secretary of the British Socialist Party and now secretary of the Joint Provisional Committee of the CPGB. Inkpin led the CPGB for nine years, after which he became secretary of the Russia Today Society until his death in 1944. As shown by the official account of the report - submitted on behalf of the Joint Provisional Committee - the negotiations were not only incomplete: they were long and often tortuous. Yet, as can also be seen, the differences had nothing to do with matters of principle. All were united on the necessity for violent revolution, a system of soviets/workers? councils as opposed to parliament, and the need for a dictatorship of the proletariat - ie, the principles of the Third (Communist) International.

Threats denied

After Genoa

Left must rethink


Conflict and compromise

Thatcher?s favourite

SA Press Group

Socialist Workers Party?s failings exposed


Putting federalism above democracy

Socialist Alliance prepares next stage

Liaison Committee debates way ahead

Brass eye hysteria

No state censorship

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