
WW archive > Issue 267 - 03 December 1998

Jail Pinochet

Straw agonises - workers must act


Is honesty harmful?; Critical support; Left unity

Splitting the pack?

Party notes

Socialist voice

Fisc in a quandary

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Caste of millions

Katrina Haynes reviews 'Antz'

Stalin and socialism

Phil Sharpe replies to Harpal Brar of the Socialist Labour Party

Call for open debate

The Communist Party of Great Britain and the Democratic Socialist Party (Australia) have exchanged the following correspondence

Outrageous exclusion

Draft rules for the Network of Socialist Alliances

Submitted by LSA for discussion, November 22 1998

Unity rejected

Greater Manchester Socialist Alliance

Abandon nationalism

Statement by the Revolutionary Democratic Group on the Scottish Socialist Party

US adopts wild west diplomacy

The end of the Cold War leaves the remaining superpower free to call the tune


Ian Farrell reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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