

Fighting fund

As comrades set off for Communist University ’97 we have just one more week to reach the Summer Offensive target of £25,000. This money is urgently needed for pressing political tasks.

The Weekly Worker has recently been able to update its offices as a result of the Summer Offensive fund drive and you will be beginning to see the improvements in the paper, both in terms of print quality and, we hope the quality of articles, as more comrades are able to put more time into writing for the paper.

As you will see in this week’s issue, the CPGB was at the centre of the launch of the Campaign for Genuine Self-Determination in Scotland last Monday. Thousands of posters and leaflets have already been delivered to the offices in 40 Osborne Street, Glasgow. But the campaign in Scotland needs much more financial help to ensure that we can make the most of the political space that has been opened up to us here.

Rush cheques to the CPGB address to coincide with the end of the extended Summer Offensive on July 31.

Linda Addison