
WW archive > Issue 189 - 01 May 1997

Unite against Blair’s austerity

After the election can the working class chart its own independent course?


Left reformist programme? ; Male ammunition; Disgusting event

Long live May Day!

Party Notes

Form and content

Mark Fischer reviews The labour movement and the Internet: the new internationalism by Eric Lee (Pluto Press 1997, pp212)

Democratic workers’ party needed

Class censorship

Voided branch drives on

Newport challenge New Labour

Sectarianism weakens election campaign

Bad old habits

Around the left

Strategy for the mass

Broadcasting the socialist message

The Russian Revolution

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, April 19 1917

Marxism and feminism - matchmakers not needed

Jack Conrad replies to comrade Ann Morgan

Zero tolerance misses the point

On a road to slavery

Brent SLP members stand by their manifesto in defence of revolutionary politics

Making the link

Revolutionary politics, openness and democracy must be fought for intransigently, say SLP members in London’s Vauxhall and Brent branches, in reply to Ian Driver, SLP parliamentary candidate for Vauxhall

Fighting fund

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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