
WW archive > Issue 170 - 05 December 1996

Making the bosses pay in France

French lorry drivers’ victory raises the need for European-wide unions


Simplistic equations; SLP and New Labour; Off the rails

Two wings

Party notes

Organisational questions?

Below we reprint recent exchanges between the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Revolutionary Democratic Group on the question of communist rapprochement

Romancing the stone

Nothing to be ashamed of

Around the left

OP still talking

After last Sunday’s conference the search for organisational forms which avoid the discipline of democratic centralism goes on

Heavy hand at the top in Belarus

Hume’s myopia

Statement from Irish Republican Socialist Party spokesperson, Willie Gallagher

Revolutionary solution to domestic violence

Anne Murphy replies to two recent articles

The WRP and Bosnia

John Reed responds to one aspect of Lee-Anne Bates’ criticism of the Workers Revolutionary Party

Enter the dragon

Opportunist short cut

The following is the speech Phil Walden of the Trotskyist Unity Group made at the November 23 conference organised by the WRP

Where the miners stand now

From the Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, December 31 1926

ITF betrays Liverpool dockers

This letter by ITF inspector Jack Heyman follows his resignation in response to a lack of support for the Liverpool dockers and criticism of their attempts to set up international rank and file organisation

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