

We need your help

As regular readers will know, this is the last month when our fighting fund target will be £2,250. A huge increase in our costs has meant that, as well as raising the subscription charge from April, we’re also adding £500 to the Weekly Worker fund target: in other words, up to £2,750 a month.

Well, I’m confident that, with the number of dedicated readers and supporters we’ve got, the new target is definitely within our reach. But we need as many comrades as possible to help us out. Please go to the web address below to see how you can play your part!

But right now, let’s make sure we not only make that final £2,250 target, but go shooting past it! Helping us out over the last week have been MM, who transferred an excellent £75, TR (£40), JP (£30), TW and GB (£25 each), OG (£24), SA (£12) and SD (£3). All the above were either standing orders or one-off bank transfers. Then there was comrade KS, who donated his £50 via PayPal, and comrade Hassan, who handed his usual £5 note to one of our team.

All that came to £289, taking our running total up to £1,165. Well, obviously we’re quite a little bit behind the going rate, but there’s one consolation - we’re now approaching that part of the month when a good few substantial standing orders come our way.

However, we really need to do better by edging up towards that higher target, so can you help? Please click on the link below if you’d like to. We need more than another grand just to make the current target and, as I write, there are only 12 days left to do it. Let’s start by smashing through that old target!

Our bank account details are

name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit