


Good news to start with: we crept past the Weekly Worker’s £2,250 monthly fighting fund target in the last couple of days of January - thank you, comrade DG, who transferred an excellent £50 via PayPal on January 31 (!), MD for his £10 monthly standing order and comrade Hassan, who handed a £5 note to one of our team. That £65 took our final total for the month up to £2,267 - in other words, we were £17 over!

But at this point I must mention once again the huge increase in our printing and postage expenses. Last week I mentioned the need to increase our subscription rate, which will happen very soon. But what we were thinking of will not be enough to cover all our extra costs - we would only get there by more than doubling the current price! This clearly means that we must also increase our fighting fund target.

I can’t say how grateful we are to all those readers and supporters who help us - some making outstanding regular donations. Take the first few days of February. So far we have received £100 (!) from comrade AC, £50 from LC and £30 from CG, while there were other standing orders/bank transfers from RG (£25), DL and MT (£20 each), BG (£15), RM (£13), MM (£11), AN and DI (£10), plus £6 each from comrades DC and JS.

That takes us up to £316 after five days - not a fortune, but a reasonable start to the month. But we really do need to step on the gas - just to make sure we reach our current £2,250 target in a month that has just 28 days!

But we also need all our readers and supporters to seriously think about what they can do to help us out in the long term, including those who read the Weekly Worker online only. If you haven’t already set up a standing-order or PayPal donation, why not do that? If you have, can you afford to increase it? See below for the web link explaining how you can do that.

Even before we announce out new monthly target, we look forward to hearing from you!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit