Keep up the good work
Here’s hoping our readers had a good New Year break and we wish you all the very best for 2025! And there’s good news to begin with - the Weekly Worker fighting fund for December broke through our £2,250 monthly target, exceeding it by exactly £100!
Let me start by highlighting the three-figure contributions we received from PM, SK, TT and JC. Brilliant! Other really generous donations came our way from MM (£75), PB and JC (£70 each), AG (£50), TR (£40), HF (£33), GB and JT (£25), OG (£24), GS, GR, AB and MW (£20 each), SS £16), SA (£12), JL, IS, JD and MD (£10), and (£6) and AR (£5).
All the above came by way of standing order/bank transfer, while a number of other comrades chipped in using PayPal. Thanks to PM, KS and DB (£50 each), PS (£30), plus DT, GS and ID, who each came up with a tenner. All in all, a total of £2,350 was received last month.
Not bad at all! But can things continue in this vein in 2025? Well, the first week of January hasn’t been too bad at all. Thanks go to AC (£100!), LC (£50), FK (£39), BO (£35), MM, TG, DV, HN and CG (£30), RG and GD (£25), DL, II, MT, SJ and JD (£20), MD (£18), BG (£15), RM (£13), MM (£11), AN, CP, DI, YM, IS and SM (£10), plus JS and DO, who each contributed £6. All the above came via bank transfer or SO, while comrade MH used PayPal to contribute his £10 and PE her £7.
All that comes to £671 - not too bad after just a week. But please play your part in helping us cross the line and make sure we reach that essential target once again! Go to the link below to see how you can do that.
Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310
To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit