

Kevin and Tom

Let me start this week by reporting the death last week of two staunch CPGB comrades, Kevin Bean and Tom May.

Comrade May helped organise the Weekly Worker mailout for many years, but his health gradually deteriorated and he died aged 83 after a long illness. Comrade Bean was more well-known as a member of the CPGB Provisional Central Committee and writer for this paper, but unfortunately he died of cancer at a much younger age.

The Weekly Worker will be publishing obituaries of both comrades to coincide with their funerals, but in the meantime let me say how their demise has impacted on our fighting fund. First of all, Australian comrade MS has transferred £100 via PayPal as a personal commemoration for Tom, while we have just received the latest of Kevin’s monthly standing order donations to the Weekly Worker for no less than £170.

While, obviously, here at the Weekly Worker we are thinking first and foremost of these two comrades, we must, of course, continue to raise the necessary finance for this paper and I am pleased to report that we’ve received other more than useful contributions over the last seven days.

First of all, both RL and PM donated £50 by PayPal, while MZ in Italy contributed £10. Then there were those other standing orders/bank transfers. Thanks go to PB (£70), TR (£40), OG (£24), GS (£20), SS (£15), SA (£12) and finally PM and CC, who both donated £10.

All in all, then, we’ve received £581 over the last week, taking our running total for October up to £1,275 towards our £2,250 monthly target. That means we still need just under another thousand in the next 15 days if we’re going to get there.

Please feel free, if you too want to pay tribute to Kevin and Tom by helping to fund the paper that both were so committed to. Do so by cheque, bank transfer or PayPal - see the link below for more details.

Comrades Kevin and Tom, you’re in our hearts!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit