

Do your bit

Good news - the last week, as expected, saw a marked increase in the total raised for the Weekly Worker fighting fund for this month. £696 came our way - just less than the £705 we had after the first 11 days of September.

That takes our running total up to £1,401 towards out £2,250 monthly target, which means we still need another £849 with 12 days still remaining, as I write. Readers and supporters, you can do it!

Topping the list in terms of generosity this week was comrade KB, who contributed no less than £170. That despite the fact he has been seriously ill for several months (hopefully he’s going to see an improvement pretty soon). Other generous donors were MM (£75), PB (£70), plus AN, TW and GB (£50 each).

All those comrades contributed via bank transfer or standing order, as did TR (£40), DL (£30), OG (£24), GS (£20), SS (£15) and SA (£12). Then there was PM (£50), AK (£30) and MZ (£10), who all got us the money by clicking on that PayPal button.

If you want to know where to find that button, see the link below, where you’ll find details of all other ways you can chip in to the fund. And we really need you to do that - we still need to raise another £849 before the end of September!

But I’m really confident we can do it. I’ve been doing this long enough to know just how much the Weekly Worker is appreciated by all those who know the central role it plays in the campaign for a united, fully democratic, Marxist party.

If you’re one of them, please do your bit. We can get there!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit