

Supplement next week

I’m afraid I have to report on what is always the least productive part of the month for the Weekly Worker fighting fund - the second week, when we receive the least in terms of regular monthly payments, be they by standing order or PayPal.

And I’m sorry to say that week two in September has so far followed that trend, with just £264 coming our way in the last week, while the monthly target is, of course, £2,250. In other words, a little over a tenth of that target was received in almost a quarter of the time!

But let’s not get too worried just yet - I’m sure I’ll have much larger sums to report in the next couple of weeks! But how much larger - that’s the question!

And how could I forget. Next week we are featuring an eight-page supplement, ‘A hundred years of the Lenin cult is enough!’, written by none other than the always excellent Lars T Lih. That means an extra four pages in the paper, so it will be an eight-pager plus the supplement. Comrades can order extra copies from the usual address.

Of course, this will cost us a little more when it comes to our printers, but a lot more when it comes to postage (especially with the latest exhorbitant price increase). I would, therefore, make a special plea for financial support - it is always appreciated.

As for this week, the most generous amount received in the last seven days was comrade RL’s PayPal donation of £50. He was one of five who used that channel to help us out this week - thanks also to GS (£15), MH (£10), JV (£7) and KA (£5).

Then there were those standing orders and one-off bank transfers. Thanks go to BO (£35), DV and NH (£30 each), GD (£25), RW (£12), plus IS, SM, PM and CC (£10 each). And how could I forget comrade Hassan? Once again, he handed a five-pound note to one of our team!

Well, all that takes our running total up to £705 - definitely a little bit below par with over a third of the month gone, and we still need £1,545. But I know things will start to pick up - so many or our readers respect the invaluable role of the Weekly Worker in our consistent fight for genuine, democratic Marxist unity.

Please play your part in making sure we go all the way once again!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit