

You did it!

Many readers will no doubt recall that, as we approached the end of July’s Weekly Worker fighting fund, I pointed out that we were just £138 short of our £2,250 monthly target. One comrade in particular responded immediately - AC transferred exactly £138 via PayPal within hours!

Well, would you believe it? Last week I reported that we still needed £137, with just three days remaining and, yes, comrade AC did the same thing again (this time transferring a pound less than in July!). He wrote: “Here’s to another month’s goal reached. Long live the Weekly Worker!”

Thank you very much for your genuine and concrete support, comrade. But you weren’t the only one: also received at the very end of August were £25 from BK and £10 from AD, while that well-known comrade Hassan, who features regularly in this column, handed his usual banknote to one of our team - this time a fiver.

That means that we once again exceeded our monthly target, this time by £40. Well done, everyone!

Now to September. We’ve received a handy £441 in the first four days of the month - that all came in the shape of bank transfers and start-of-the-month standing orders. Most generous was comrade AC with his £100! Other donations came from EW (£55), MM (£31), ST and GG (£30 each), RG (£25), VP (£24), BK and MS (£20 each), MT and BG (£15), TM (£13), MM (£11), AN, CP, DI and YM (£10) and, finally, DC and JS (£6 each).

All in all, a pretty good start, but let’s make sure we keep up the momentum and go shooting through that much needed £2,250 target once again. We can do it!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit