

See us through!

With, as I write, three days still to go in August, we are now just £137 short of our monthly £2,250 fighting fund target. In other words, so far £2,113 has been donated to the Weekly Worker by our readers and supporters.

Thanks this week go to US-based comrade AP for his £100 cheque, to comrades LM (£80), GT (£35), JT (£25), AB (£20) and TT (£6) for their bank transfers/standing orders, as well as DB (£50) and EG (£6) for their monthly PayPal contributions - not to mention comrade Hassan for the fiver handed to one of our team.

I must say, however, that the £326 received in total over the last seven days is a little disappointing - quite a bit below the going rate for a single week. So now we need you to play your part over the next three days to see us through. The best, most efficient way is by bank transfer: please use our account details below to make one - preferably on Thursday or Friday (that way, it will definitely be registered in our account before the end of the month). Alternatively, go to our website to donate via PayPal (details also below).

Whichever way you choose, we need to receive your donation by Saturday August 31. Please don’t disappoint me - or, more importantly, the Weekly Worker team. I can’t stress how committed each and every one of them are to our central aim: the building of a single, principled party uniting the entire Marxist left on a democratic basis. What the working class is sorely missing and so much needs!

With your help we can get the £137 we still need - or hopefully more! - in the last three days of the month.

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit