
Communist University 2024
Saturday August 3 to Saturday August 10, central London
Venue: International Student House, 229 Great Portland Street, London W1 (nearest tube: Great Portland Street)
Cost: Full day: £10 (£5) Single session: £5 (£3)
CU is different from the run-of-the-mill schools put on by other left groups.
Plenty of time is allocated to contributions from the floor.
Controversial debate is positively welcomed and, needless to say, there are no one-minute time limits.
Moreover, critical thinking is encouraged, as can be seen from our impressive list of speakers each and every year
If you cannot attend in person, join us online - Zoom webinar registration link for all sessions:
Saturday August 3
Registration from 12 noon
2pm - 4:15pm: Mike Macnair, Uses and abuses: Lenin’s Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism
4:45pm - 7pm: Jack Conrad, July 4 general election and the left
Sunday August 4
10am - 12:30pm: Ben Lewis, Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel: the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71
2pm - 4:15pm: Chris Knight, Theories of language: how did we learn to speak?
4:45pm - 7pm: Moshé Machover and Yassamine Mather, Israel’s war of genocide and how to stop it
Monday August 5
10am - 12:30pm: Ian Spencer, Health and communism
2pm - 4:15pm: Paul Demarty, Fiction: utopian and scientific
4:45pm - 7pm: Lawrence Parker, Joseph Stalin, father of ‘official’ CPGB’s British road to socialism programme
Tuesday August 6
10am - 12:30pm: Anne McShane, Creating illusions in a Sinn Féin government, opportunism and the Irish left
2pm - 4:15pm: Ed Griffiths, British racism and British nativeness
4:45pm - 7pm: Bruno Leipold, Citizen Marx : republicanism and the politics of democracy and freedom
Wednesday August 7
10am - 12:30pm: Yassamine Mather, War in Gaza: Iran and the Iranian opposition
2pm - 4:15pm: Cat Rylance, Communist future: a discussion
4:45pm - 7pm: Parker McQueeney (Marxist Unity Group), How should the Democratic Socialists of America respond to the threat of a second Trump presidency?
Thursday August 8
10am - 12:30pm: Marcus Strom, Philosophy and science - is Marxism compatible with emerging ‘new physics’?
2pm - 4:15pm: Marc Mulholland, Those utopian socialists were also wonderfully critical socialists
4:45pm - 7pm: Thomas Nail, Marx in motion and his dissertation
Friday August 9
10am - 12:30pm: Marcus Strom, AUKUS: why UK and Australian Labo(u)r are going all the way with the USA to encircle China
2pm - 4:15pm: Tina Werkmann, Why there was never a chance of Corbyn coming to power
4:45pm - 7pm: Moshé Machover, The ideology of Zionist colonisation
Saturday August 10
10am - 12:30pm: Jack Conrad, Climate crisis: the limits of capital and the despotic dangers that lie beyond
1.30pm: Mike Macnair, Peoples’ fronts and revolutionary strategy
3;30pm-4pm: Evaluation of Communist University