

More than possible

We are hoping Weekly Worker readers and supporters will ensure that we reach our monthly £2,250 fighting fund target in July and right now things are looking reasonably good. Thanks to a total of £646 that came our way over the last seven days, we now have £1,471 in the kitty!

There was a brilliant £170 donation from comrade KB, while JS transferred exactly £100 to our account. Other bank transfers/standing orders were from MM (£75), PB (£70), TR (£40), OG (£24), GS (£20), SS (£15), SA (£12) and CC (£10). On top of that, we received regular PayPal transfers from comrades RL and PM (£50 each) and from MZ (£10).

All this means that we need another £739 in exactly two weeks. That is obviously more than possible, but I take nothing for granted. Please play your part if you haven’t already done so this month. As well as using bank transfer and PayPal, you can, of course, send us a cheque. For more details on how to do any of the above, please go to the link below.

It is vital that the support - both political and financial - of our readers continues. As comrade GH recently wrote when renewing his subscription, “The quality [of the Weekly Worker] is incredible. Where else on the left can you find not only such well-written articles, but a commitment to democracy and free debate? Expect a contribution from me in the very near future!”

I’m not sure whether by “contribution” he meant an article or a donation, but we look forward to receiving either one! If you agree with his sentiments, please chip in as much as you can!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit