
WW archive > Issue 1500 - 18 July 2024

Crime and revenge

Eddie Ford welcomes the early release of prisoners, but the emphasis should be on rehabilitation, not crisis management


NUM and Labour; Pre-revolutionary; American bills; Trump assassin

A grand get-together

Durham Miners Gala has always been a celebration of the labour and trade union movement. But this year, reports Ian Spencer, it had a special poignancy

From kick-off to finish

Carl Collins examines the current state of the beautiful game that is now worth billions, its origins in violent country ways and the influence of the far right

Fragile unpopular front

Unity with the neoliberal Macronites made the Nouveau Front Populaire the largest bloc in the lower house. But, Mike Macnair warns, the signs of fragmentation are already all too apparent, and there is a real danger that Marine Le Pen will have a successful presidential run in 2027

No driver at the wheel

The incumbent is not all there; the challenger nearly dies in an assassination attempt. All the more reason to ditch the entire US presidential system, argues Paul Demarty

Primary task set

Theory and programme are treated seriously, but there are leftist and anarchistic carryovers. Martin Greenfield reports on the Revolutionary Communist Organisation conference in Australia and the next steps that are needed in what will doubtless be a long journey

Rats in a sack

Local assemblies are a recipe for chaos, confusion and ineffectiveness. Jeremy Corbyn continues to disappoint, writes Carla Roberts

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 21 5pm

More than possible

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