
WW archive > Issue 150 - 04 July 1996

The lesser evil?

Cuts in jobs, services and attacks on workers’ conditions - whether at work or in health, education or housing - have led millions to despair. But instead of looking for a real alternative the working class, lacking any vision of its own potential to take over the running of society, is reduced to seeking out the ‘lesser evil’


Not one and the same; Equal right; Attack on Emek Partisi; More on the hunger strikes in Turkey

Fat cat of the year

In suspense

Summer Offensive, Scargill and “the Turks”

Party notes

Militant Labour to ‘Socialist Party’?

What’s in a name?

Fickle project

Around the left

Manchester witch-hunt

Steve Smethurst has been bureaucratically excluded from membership of the Socialist Labour Party. The chair of his branch preferred to close down an SLP meeting rather than allow the membership to discuss the question. We reprint below the text of his letter to Manchester members

The IRA and armed strategy

‘Huttonomics’ and the ‘Blair Revolution’

Richard James reviews The state we’re in by W Hutton (1995, pp352) and The Blair revolution - can New Labour deliver? by P Mandelson and R Liddle (1996, pp274)

Artistic poverty for capitalism’s sake

Left SLP trends

We reprint below extracts from a document distributed by West London Socialist Labour Party member Barbara Duke

The party we need

Martin Blum rejects Dave Craig’s call for a Communist-Labour Party

Habits of thought

From the Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, June 25 1926

An honourable man?

Scottish Labour MP John McAllion resigned his front bench seat in protest against Blair’s backtrack on devolution. Now he is being portrayed as a ‘man of honour’ by the media in Scotland. Communist Mary Ward - McAllion’s election agent and leader of Dundee district council when a Labour member - could not disagree more

Three lions on your shirt

Sign up for health

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